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Advantage Testing Reviews

Real evaluations from Advantage Testing students

We ask each of our students to rate their tutors and curriculum at the end of their programs. These evaluations provide invaluable feedback that enable us to continue to provide the best private tutoring services available anywhere. Read some of our student evaluations here.

Advantage Testing reviews

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" My tutor was awesome! He motivated me to want to do well... I couldn’t have asked for anything better. "
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Advantage Testing
New York, NY

Advantage Testing has provided high quality tutoring and test preparation services since 1986. We created this website to answer the most common questions that our students ask us, and to provide information that might help inform your learning and preparation strategies.

Advantage Testing Reviews - SAT Tutoring Reviews

Review Rating (out of 10):
I love my tutor! I think she is an awesome tutor and person! She is super relatable and kind, and it is clear that she cares deeply for her students and wants us to do well! Thanks Advantage!
Review Rating (out of 10):
My AT tutor was a really good tutor. His explanations were clear, and he always made sure that I understood the things that were being taught. Advantage was a really helpful educational experience. It taught me to study harder, and to really attack new material.
Review Rating (out of 10):
My tutor is amazing. She has found a perfect balance of being approachable and hard on me when necessary. I like that she gives me a large number of packets to do when I have time—it allows me to do more when I have a lot of time and do less when I don’t have as much time.
Review Rating (out of 10):
I thought that Advantage Testing has been more helpful than tutors I’ve had in the past, such as Princeton Review or Kaplan. The information is presented in a clearer and more organized way.
Review Rating (out of 10):
I thought Advantage and my tutor were great. I have learned a ton about test taking and the actual SAT, and have found my tutor to be very thorough in teaching and encouraging.

Advantage Testing Reviews - ACT Tutoring Reviews

Review Rating (out of 10):
My tutor is amazing. My ACT English was a 35 and Reading was a 36 on my last real exam.
Review Rating (out of 10):
Great experience! My tutor not only taught me ACT math but also helped in my school work. A great, well-rounded tutor who shows general commitment to education.
Review Rating (out of 10):
My tutor was extremely charismatic throughout all of the classes I studied with him. In addition to helping me learn the ins and outs of the ACT, he has imparted upon me the valuable knowledge from his personal life. He is an awesome person who has become quite an inspiration for me.
Review Rating (out of 10):
My tutor is such an amazing person and I have truly enjoyed working with her. She is so incredible in so many ways, as she not only pushes me to work harder and helps me to grow as a student, but she is also so comforting and such a calming and wise person to get reassurance about the ACT and the college process. She is the best tutor I’ve ever had (and I’ve had many), and I cannot fully express my gratitude for all she has done for me, as well as my gratitude for the company. Without Advantage Testing, my scores would not only be lower, but my confidence as well.
Review Rating (out of 10):
My Advantage tutor was the best tutor I have ever had. He was unbelievably helpful in almost every regard. I very much enjoyed every minute of working with him.

Advantage Testing Reviews - LSAT Tutoring Reviews

Review Rating (out of 10):
My tutor was great. Extremely friendly and although I got him for my ACT, he helped me with my subject tests and even school work that I needed help understanding. Very fun to talk to. Now I can do the math section faster and make far fewer mistakes.
Review Rating (out of 10):
My tutor was amazing. He helped me whenever I was confused & was always considerate with the amount of homework he gave me, knowing I had homework to do from school as well. Advantage Testing was a great company to use for my ACT prep.
Review Rating (out of 10):
I have worked with Advantage Testing for the SAT and for the LSAT. Each experience was terrific and I would recommend the program to anyone.
Review Rating (out of 10):
My tutor is great. He explained things in different ways and not only made the sessions educational but fun. My test taking confidence was definitely boosted. Thanks!
Review Rating (out of 10):
My tutor is an outstanding tutor who cares deeply about his students and has an exceptional ability to teach and encourage me.
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